Network Basics


Stacks (STX) tokens are the native tokens on the Stacks blockchain. The smallest fraction is one micro-STX. 1,000,000 micro-STX make one Stacks (STX).

STX amounts should be stored as integers (8 bytes long), and represent the amount of micro-STX.


Fees are used to incentivize miners to confirm transactions on the Stacks blockchain. The fee is calculated based on the estimate fee rate and the size of the raw transaction in bytes. The fee rate is a market determined variable. For the testnet, it is set to 1 micro-STX.

Fee estimates can obtained through the GET /v2/fees/transfer endpoint of the API.

# for mainnet, replace `testnet` with `mainnet`
curl ''

The API will respond with the fee rate (as integer):


The Stacks Transactions JS library supports fee estimation for:

  • token transfers (estimateTransfer)

  • contract deploys (estimateContractDeploy)

  • non read-only contract calls (estimateContractFunctionCall)


Every account carries a nonce property that indicates the number of transactions processed for the given account. Nonces are one-time codes, starting at 0 for new accounts, and incremented by 1 on every transaction.

Nonces are added to all transactions and help identify them in order to ensure transactions are processed in order and to avoid duplicated processing.

When a new token transfer transaction is constructed, the most recent nonce of the account needs to be fetched and set.


Stacks network details can be queried using the Stacks Blockchain API.

Health check

The status checker is a service that provides a user interface to quickly review the health of the Stacks blockchain.

Network info

The network information can be obtained using the GET /v2/info endpoint:

# for mainnet, replace `testnet` with `mainnet`
curl ''

Sample response:

    "peer_version": 385875968,
    "burn_consensus": "826401d65cf3671210a3fb135d827d549c0b4d37",
    "burn_block_height": 1972,
    "stable_burn_consensus": "e27ea23f199076bc41a729d76a813e125b725f64",
    "stable_burn_block_height": 1971,
    "server_version": "blockstack-core 0.0.1 => (master:bdd042242+, release build, linux [x86_64]",
    "network_id": 2147483648,
    "parent_network_id": 3669344250,
    "stacks_tip_height": 933,
    "stacks_tip": "1f601823fbcc5b6b2215b2ff59d2818fba61ee4a3cea426d8bc3dbb268005d8f",
    "stacks_tip_burn_block": "54c56a9685545c45accf42b5dcb2787c97eda8185a1c794daf9b5a59d4807abc",
    "unanchored_tip": "71948ee211dac3b241eb65d881637f649d0d49ac08ee4a41c29217d3026d7aae",
    "exit_at_block_height": 28160

Last updated

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