sBTC Registry


The sBTC Registry contract (sbtc-registry.clar) serves as the central registry for the sBTC system. It manages withdrawal requests, completed deposits, and the current signer set. This contract is crucial for maintaining the state and coordinating operations within the sBTC ecosystem.

Error Constants

  • ERR_UNAUTHORIZED (u400): Indicates unauthorized access.

  • ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_ID (u401): Signifies an invalid withdrawal request ID.

  • ERR_AGG_PUBKEY_REPLAY (u402): Indicates an attempt to replay an aggregate public key.

  • ERR_MULTI_SIG_REPLAY (u403): Signifies an attempt to replay a multi-signature address.

State Variables

  • last-withdrawal-request-id: Tracks the latest withdrawal request ID.

  • current-signature-threshold: Stores the current threshold for required signatures.

  • current-signer-set: Maintains a list of current signer public keys.

  • current-aggregate-pubkey: Holds the current aggregate public key.

  • current-signer-principal: Stores the current signer's principal address.

Data Maps


Stores withdrawal request details indexed by request ID.

  • Fields:

    • amount: Amount of sBTC being withdrawn (in sats)

    • max-fee: Maximum fee for the withdrawal

    • sender: Principal of the sender

    • recipient: BTC recipient address (version and hashbytes)

    • block-height: Burn block height where the request was created


Tracks the status of withdrawal requests indexed by request ID.

  • Value: bool (true if accepted, false if rejected, none if pending)


Records completed deposit transactions to prevent replay attacks.

  • Key: {txid: (buff 32), vout-index: uint}

  • Value: {amount: uint, recipient: principal}


Tracks used aggregate public keys to prevent replay attacks.

  • Key: (buff 33) (aggregate public key)

  • Value: bool


Tracks used multi-signature addresses to prevent replay attacks.

  • Key: principal (multi-sig address)

  • Value: bool


Stores authorized protocol contract addresses.

  • Key: principal (contract address)

  • Value: bool

Read-only Functions


Retrieves a withdrawal request by its ID.

  • Parameters:

    • id: uint

  • Returns: (optional {amount: uint, max-fee: uint, sender: principal, recipient: {version: (buff 1), hashbytes: (buff 32)}, block-height: uint, status: (optional bool)})


Fetches a completed deposit by transaction ID and output index.

  • Parameters:

    • txid: (buff 32)

    • vout-index: uint

  • Returns: (optional {amount: uint, recipient: principal})


Returns current signer set information.

  • Returns: {current-signer-set: (list 128 (buff 33)), current-aggregate-pubkey: (buff 33), current-signer-principal: principal, current-signature-threshold: uint}


Returns the current aggregate public key.

  • Returns: (buff 33)


Returns the current signer's principal.

  • Returns: principal


Returns the current set of signer public keys.

  • Returns: (list 128 (buff 33))

Public Functions


Creates a new withdrawal request. Only callable by protocol contracts.

  • Parameters:

    • amount: uint

    • max-fee: uint

    • sender: principal

    • recipient: {version: (buff 1), hashbytes: (buff 32)}

    • height: uint

  • Returns: (response uint uint)


Marks a withdrawal request as accepted.

  • Parameters:

    • request-id: uint

    • bitcoin-txid: (buff 32)

    • output-index: uint

    • signer-bitmap: uint

    • fee: uint

  • Returns: (response bool uint)


Marks a withdrawal request as rejected.

  • Parameters:

    • request-id: uint

    • signer-bitmap: uint

  • Returns: (response bool uint)


Records a completed deposit transaction.

  • Parameters:

    • txid: (buff 32)

    • vout-index: uint

    • amount: uint

    • recipient: principal

  • Returns: (response bool uint)


Updates the signer set, multi-sig principal, and aggregate public key.

  • Parameters:

    • new-keys: (list 128 (buff 33))

    • new-address: principal

    • new-aggregate-pubkey: (buff 33)

    • new-signature-threshold: uint

  • Returns: (response (buff 33) uint)

Private Functions


Increments and returns the next withdrawal request ID.

  • Returns: uint


Checks if the caller is an authorized protocol contract.

  • Returns: (response bool uint)


Validates if a given principal is an authorized protocol contract.

  • Parameters:

    • caller: principal

  • Returns: (response bool uint)


The contract emits events (via print) for important actions:

  • Withdrawal request creation: "withdrawal-create"

  • Withdrawal acceptance: "withdrawal-accept"

  • Withdrawal rejection: "withdrawal-reject"

  • Deposit completion: "completed-deposit"

Security Considerations

  1. Access Control: Only authorized protocol contracts can call certain functions.

  2. Replay Prevention: The contract prevents replay attacks on deposits, aggregate public keys, and multi-signature addresses.

  3. State Management: The contract carefully manages the state of withdrawals and the current signer set.

Last updated