Signer Configuration

The block for Nakamoto activation has been chosen as Bitcoin block 864,864, which is currently expected on October 9th. This block is subject to change should core developers need additional time for testing or unexpected issues.

Binaries will be provided roughly a week in advance and your normal upgrade procedure should apply here, you’ll want to be running the latest node and Signer software. Note that if you do not upgrade ahead of the hard fork, your nodes will be dropped from the network. Ideally, you will have Stacked for Cycle #94 ahead of time, any time now is good.

Current Signer and Stacks Node Versions

If you are a signer, these are the current latest versions you'll want to be running.

Example Configs

Below are sample configuration files for running a Stacks node and signer provided in one place for convenience. You'll need to modify some of these according to the How to Run a Signer doc.

Testnet Signer

# The IP address and port where your Stacks node can be accessed. 
# The port 20443 is the default RPC endpoint for Stacks nodes. 
# Note that you must use an IP address - DNS hosts are not supported at this time.
# This should be the IP address accessible via Docker, usually via a network.
node_host = ""

# This is the location where the signer will expose an RPC endpoint for 
# receiving events from your Stacks node.
endpoint = ""

# Either “testnet” or “mainnet”
network = "testnet"

# this is a file path where your signer will persist data. If using Docker, 
# this must be within a volume, so that data can be persisted across restarts
db_path = "/var/stacks/signer.sqlite"

# an authentication token that is used for some HTTP requests made from the 
# signer to your Stacks node. You’ll need to use this later on when configuring 
# your Stacks node. You create this field yourself, rather than it being generated 
# with your private key.
auth_password = "$your_http_auth_token"

# This is the privateKey field from the keys you generated in the 
# previous step.
stacks_private_key = "$your_stacks_private_key"

Nakamoto Testnet Config

This is the configuration you'll need to run a Stacks follower node if you are also running a signer. Be sure to change the commented lines to the appropriate data for your setup. If you are not familiar with the process of setting up a signer, be sure to follow the How to Run a Signer guide.

An overview of all Stacks node configuration options can be found in the Stacks Node Configuration doc.

Additions necessary specifically to run a signer are the [connection_options] and [[events_observer]] sections and the stacker = true line. There are also a few comments detailing other lines that need to change.

# Set this based on where you downloaded 
# the chain state archive as described in the How to Run a Signer guide:
working_dir = "/stacks-blockchain/data"
rpc_bind = ""
p2p_bind = ""
# This is the node that your node will use to begin syncing chain state
bootstrap_node = ""
wait_time_for_microblocks = 0
mine_microblocks = false
# Required for nodes attached to signers, optional for other nodes
stacker = true

chain = "bitcoin"
mode = "krypton"
magic_bytes = "N3"
poll_time_secs = 30
pox_prepare_length = 100
pox_reward_length = 900
peer_host = ""
username = "hirosystems"
password = "hirosystems"
burnchain_op_tx_fee = 5500
commit_anchor_block_within = 300000
rpc_port = 18543
peer_port = 18544
#satoshis_per_byte = 20
first_burn_block_height = 230
first_burn_block_timestamp = 1714513150
first_burn_block_hash = "654e1e9f66701d4f8a138b46d4cf0cc26665688175bcbb1700729efbf759e57d"

# Set your auth token, which the signer uses
# This should match the auth_password field of your signer config
auth_token = "12345"

# Set your signer as an event observer
# This endpoint is where your signer will communicate with your Stacks node
endpoint = ""
retry_count = 255
include_data_events = false
events_keys = ["stackerdb", "block_proposal", "burn_blocks"]

epoch_name = "1.0"
start_height = 0

epoch_name = "2.0"
start_height = 230

epoch_name = "2.05"
start_height = 240

epoch_name = "2.1"
start_height = 240

epoch_name = "2.2"
start_height = 241

epoch_name = "2.3"
start_height = 242

epoch_name = "2.4"
start_height = 243

epoch_name = "2.5"
start_height = 244

epoch_name = "3.0"
start_height = 2_000_250

amount = 10000000000000000

address = "ST2G2RJR4B5M95D0ZZAGZJP9J4WH090WHP0C5YW0H"
amount = 10000000000000000

amount = 10000000000000000

address = "STA0EP5GD8FC661T8Q0Z382QW7Z6JXDM3E476MB7"
amount = 17500000000000

address = "ST3MNK12DGQF7JN4Q0STK6926VWE5MN21KJ4EGV0E"
amount = 10000000000000000

address = "ST484MS3VACPAZ90WHC21XQ7T6XANCV341HJYE0W"
amount = 10000000000000000

address = "ST2D1M978SCE52GAV07VXSRC9DQBP69X5WHX0DHN5"
amount = 10000000000000000

amount = 10000000000000000

address = "ST2ME1CR5XR0P332SBTSD90P9HG48F1SK8MZVJ3XW"
amount = 10000000000000000

amount = 10000000000000000

amount = 10000000000000000

address = "ST2Q6124HQFKVKPJSS5J6156BJR74FD6EC1297HJ1"
amount = 10000000000000000

amount = 10000000000000000

amount = 10000000000000000

address = "STWF12K119FTA70NDG29MNYWR0CPMF44ZKC2SG2T"
amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

address = "STJ737JNPK525J86BGSPAW362SRRAYC4SP6F95HC"
amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

address = "ST30Z74A4S2T8563D844ENSBHBFSVQEVBPV9S0A7E"
amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

amount = 24378281250000

address = "ST0D135PF2R0S4B6S4G49QZC69KF19MSZ4Z5RDF5"
amount = 24378281250000

Primary Testnet Config

rpc_bind = ""
p2p_bind = ""
bootstrap_node = ""
prometheus_bind = ""
working_dir = "/hirosystems/data"
local_peer_seed = "{{ redacted }}"
# Required for nodes attached to signers, optional for other nodes
stacker = true

chain = "bitcoin"
mode = "krypton"
peer_host = ""
username = "hirosystems"
password = "hirosystems"
rpc_port = 18443
peer_port = 18444
pox_prepare_length = 100
pox_reward_length = 900

# Set your auth token, which the signer uses
# This should match the auth_password field of your signer config
auth_token = "12345"

# Set your signer as an event observer
# This endpoint is where your signer will communicate with your Stacks node
endpoint = ""
retry_count = 255
include_data_events = false
events_keys = ["stackerdb", "block_proposal", "burn_blocks"]

amount = 10000000000000000

address = "ST319CF5WV77KYR1H3GT0GZ7B8Q4AQPY42ETP1VPF"
amount = 10000000000000000

address = "ST221Z6TDTC5E0BYR2V624Q2ST6R0Q71T78WTAX6H"
amount = 10000000000000000

amount = 10000000000000000

fee_estimator = "fuzzed_weighted_median_fee_rate"
epoch_name = "1.0"
start_height = 0

epoch_name = "2.0"
start_height = 0

epoch_name = "2.05"
start_height = 1

epoch_name = "2.1"
start_height = 2

epoch_name = "2.2"
start_height = 3

epoch_name = "2.3"
start_height = 4

epoch_name = "2.4"
start_height = 5

epoch_name = "2.5"
start_height = 6

epoch_name = "3.0"
start_height = 2000701

Mainnet Signer

This config is very similar to the testnet config, except the network field is changed.

# The IP address and port where your Stacks node can be accessed. 
# The port 20443 is the default RPC endpoint for Stacks nodes. 
# Note that you must use an IP address - DNS hosts are not supported at this time.
# This should be the IP address accessible via Docker, usually via a network.
node_host = ""

# This is the location where the signer will expose an RPC endpoint for 
# receiving events from your Stacks node.
endpoint = ""

# Either “testnet” or “mainnet”
network = "mainnet"

# this is a file path where your signer will persist data. If using Docker, 
# this must be within a volume, so that data can be persisted across restarts
db_path = "/var/stacks/signer.sqlite"

# an authentication token that is used for some HTTP requests made from the 
# signer to your Stacks node. You’ll need to use this later on when configuring 
# your Stacks node. You create this field yourself, rather than it being generated 
# with your private key.
auth_password = "$your_http_auth_token"

# This is the privateKey field from the keys you generated in the 
# previous step.
stacks_private_key = "$your_stacks_private_key"

Mainnet Stacks Node

With a mainnet Stacks node config, you'll need to change the bootstrap node field and the burnchain fields. Other than that, the ustx_balance fields are not necessary.

# Set this based on where you downloaded 
# the chain state archive as described in the How to Run a Signer guide:
working_dir = "/data-dir-somewhere"
rpc_bind = ""
p2p_bind = ""
# This is the node that your node will use to begin syncing chain state
bootstrap_node = ",,,"
# Required for nodes attached to signers, optional for other nodes
stacker = true

chain = "bitcoin"
mode = "mainnet"
peer_host = ""
username = "blockstack"
password = "blockstacksystem"
rpc_port = 8332
peer_port = 8333

# Set your auth token, which the signer uses
# This should match the auth_password field of your signer config
auth_token = "12345"

# Set your signer as an event observer
# This endpoint is where your signer will communicate with your Stacks node
endpoint = ""
retry_count = 255
include_data_events = false
events_keys = ["stackerdb", "block_proposal", "burn_blocks"]

Last updated