Nakamoto for Stackers and Pool Operators
Pools available for Stacking
These pools have confirmed their systems are ready to accept your Stacking calls. Please read their documentation or get in direct contact with them for more information or support.
Different Ways to Stack STX
Stacking after the Nakamoto hard fork
The Nakamoto Activation sequence is expected to start on August 28. You can learn more about the steps here: Nakamoto Activation Sequence
As we approach the start of this sequence, more detail will provided to Stackers about any action they will need to take. As with most previous hard forks, it is expected Stackers will need to re-Stack or re-delegate after the hard fork is complete. Look out for more detailed instructions from your Stacking provider.
Remember that a new requirement for stackers (after activation phase) is that you will also need to function as a signer on the network to validate Stacks transactions.
This means that in order to stack you need to have an operational signer running. As a stacker, you have three options:
Delegate your STX to a pool operator
Operate your own signer
Collaborate with an existing signer
Solo stacking without running a signer will not work with pox-4 as you'll need to pass in a valid signer signature when calling your stack-stx
functions. More info on these options and which you should use can be found in the Stack STX guide.
Last updated